Saturday, 30 November 2013

The Truth Behind Dowry ?

Read somewhere

"In India, even in the year 2013 dowry is a grave social issue."

It this truth ?

Normally people use such statement. Have seen many people can give enough long statement in debates but I would like to ask few simple question : Just recall your memory and answer honestly

(1) Check How many marriage you have attended so far ?
(2) How many times groom asked for a car at the time of VIDAI or FERE or AANAND KARJ ?
(3) Out of Attended how many are booked in 498A.

My answers are very SImple

(1) More then 100. Personally presented at time of vidai more then 50.
(2) Not Even Single Time.
(3) As per my best knowledge 13.

I believe most of people have more or less same answer but still dowry is social problem. Is this really a social problem and still we have not seen and dowry demand but we have seen FIR which we know are FALSE ... still we say dowry exist ... we are not depending on our own experience but we are relying on someone else.

After a deep thinking I came to conclusion that dowry is not exactly defined in India still Law exist. In General three type of transection exist

(a) Parents give something to their daughter at the time of marriage
(b) Parent give something to groom as a gift at time of marriage.
(c) Some Expenditure during marriage on guests.

All three are not part of dowry.

There is another form which exist


This part of transaction is really comes under dowry and there is Law which says for that girl's parents should be punished. Unfortunately this law used rarely or almost never. For this form groom or his parents are not responsible.

Finally there is another form in which groom has taken something by force personally I have not seen any.

Still Every Year around 1 Lakh families are booked in 498A IPC. And interesting fact is dowry list given by most of FIR (have seen around 60) is part of first three transaction. The part of dowry which is GIVEN and girl's parent should be punished we are punishing BOY and his PARENTS. Why because the Law assume wife never Lie her statement if true and boy lie his statement is false.

Finally i would like to say yes DOWRY exist but it exist in the mind of young girl's parents who assume and spend for their own wish finally any dispute run to police station. And the most unfortunate part is society not ready to accept that girl's can be wrong. Why Are girls from some other planet where only truth exist ?

I would like to know how many educated girls ready to marry less or uneducated boy. A few can be seen but when i ask how many ready to marry unemployed boy, answer is ZERO. why ?


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