Saturday, 28 May 2016


    A couple of week back when I was forcibly send for mediation, and I tried me best to fail it, and it failed. Right after that I get notice from LOK-ADALAT to appear. I tried not to appear, but something (a nice judgment) forced me to visit court as soon as possible. Finally I decided to visit court on for the order as well as LOKADALAT (probably my biggest mistake).
    What I discovered there is, the head of Lok-Adalat was the same judge whose order forced me to visit. Of-course I was having respect (may be small but yes I was having), which forced me to stay silent there, at-least not to be aggressive.
    Finally there are few question, I decided to collect here. The second one is : WHY LOKADALAT ALWAYS TRY TO BLACKMAIL ?

    Yes Lokadalat asked me to compromise by paying, otherwise the maintenance will be rise by an amount which I can't afford. I didn't replied but thinking :

  • One Lawyer who was root behing legal blackmailing is already dead without success.
  • A fight of 6 year long could not fail me, then what has changed now ?
  • In case maintenance rise, whose loss it will be ? From past 5 year after my expenditure whatever left I am donating for kids education. More the 20 kids getting education, now a magistrate wanted to feed a well educated, young and working lady, who is loosing i feel those 20+ kids. A big loss but can't be a reason for me to bow.
  • Mafia  also blackmail, so what if i choose Mafia over Courts ?

Gursharn Singh

Monday, 23 May 2016

22 MAY 2016 : THE BEST DAY

    22 May

    I never Celebrated my birthday, atleast not in my memory.

    Then one day suddenly, I start getting birthday wishes. It is not like that I never get wishes, but it was never from that many people. From known people, from unknown people, from those people i never meet, from those people i just remember name nothing else, even I can't remember how many but i recieved more then 20000 wishes till midnight. Never expected.

    Unfortunately it is not possible for me to reply everyone personally. Consider this a my Thanks.

Gursharn Singh

Thursday, 12 May 2016


Years Back when I was 4 year old
  • My Life was Great.
  • It was having lot of FUN
  • There was no worry or fear
  • The only job I was having was sleeping and eating and playing
  • My favorite game was ... .. . 
  • My favorite food was ... .. . 
  • My favorite bad was ... .. .  
  • My best friend was ....
  • My .....
  • My .... 
  • My ....

    There are lot of My I can write, but the fact is I even did not remember if I was 4 year old sometime. I personally feel most of people wont remember their golden golden age, or we call it golden because we don't remember it.

    Then question is why I am writing what I was in the age of 4 year. Today i saw a petition claiming he was abused when he/she was 4 year old. I tried to remember my life when i was 4 year old. Unfortunately I could not remember a single incident, then how other can remember the precise details ? Or it is just a propaganda to create un-rest in society and peaceful life ?

Gursharn Singh

Sunday, 8 May 2016


Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May.

  Getting a lot of stories / poems / jokes / ... .etc promoting a mother like GOD. I am still confused why we can't appreciate Mother just like Mother, just Mother a women.

  She is Mother, but she didn't de anything special. She did what was decided by NATURE or one may call it GOD. I do what is my part, she did what was her part allotted by NATURE. Appreciate her part just like any other work get appreciation, not like she did something very very special.


Gursharn Singh