Thursday, 21 April 2016


    A couple of week back (5 or 6 week) when I was forcibly send for mediation, and I tried me best to fail it, and it failed. Right after that I get notice from LOK-ADALAT to appear. I tried not to appear, but something (a nice judgment) forced me to visit court as soon as possible. Finally I decided to visit court on for the order as well as LOKADALAT (probably my biggest mistake).

    What I discovered there is, the head of Lok-Adalat was the same judge whose order forced me to visit. Of-course I was having respect (may be small but yes I was having), which forced me to stay silent there, at-least not to be aggressive.

    Finally there are few question, I decided to collect here. The first one is :

    Q : I take care of one kid. I can't adopt the kid but I just take care of. Now the judge sahib wanted to settle the cases so that I can adopt the kid legally.

    What I don't understand is :
  • Why I should adopt the kid ?
  • The kid is getting what best I can provide, what extra he may get once adopted ?
  • I am getting satisfaction, what else I may get once adopted ?
  • The kid will be same once adopted, he is not going to change neither by body nor by nature, then why I need to adopt ?
  • Apart from this kid I take care of 24 more kids, of-course partially. But does that mean i should adopt all 24 kids ? If not then why this one ?

    One may try to explain on the ground that he can be my heir after me. But I am not sure about this one because what I wanted to do that only I can do, no-one else can make it moving. Even I don't know whose heir continue after couple of generation. I even can't recall the name of my grand grand father, then how it matter if my name is vanished forever.

Gursharn Singh

Monday, 18 April 2016



म : आज हम ओड इवन के बारे मैं पड़ेंगे ।
स1 : 15 अप्रैल से 30 अप्रैल
स2 : ओड तारीख वाले दिन ओड नंबर की गाड़ी
स3 : इवन तारीख वाले दिन इवन नंबर की गाड़ी
स4 :
स5 :
स6 :

बच्चों को भी पता है
पर क्या आपको पता है
ओड इवन मैं किसी महिला का योगदान नहीं है
ऐड करने के

यदि ओड इवन सफल होता है तो यह सिर्फ पुरुषों की म्हणत का नतीजा है

Gursharn Singh

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Indian Culture : A Backword Journey

    What I am writing here is true, as per my best knowledge. I get this experience around 3 year back, but decided to write today because of ........ repeat telecast of incident (almost same discussion with another person)

    Around 3 year back, I meet a men who was a strong supporter of Indian Culture. In a long discussion I concluded that he was not same just a couple of year back. Let us call him Mr. X.

    Mr X. belong to a well established modern family, He enjoyed every moment of modern society from childhood. He celebrated Valentine Day & Good Friday but never bother for Laxmi Pooja on Diwali. In short every festival accepted in modern society, he participated at the same time almost every festival of Indian culture he find old fashioned. He celebrated Diwali with bombs but avoid Laxmi Pooja.

    Most of us are same. But when I meet him he was no-more a modern, but he was supporter of Indian Culture. Why ?

    What I understood is he get married with a lady (I wont comment on modern or not) soon he was in soup. After couple of years spending in courts, he find all faults because of Modern Society, therefore he become a supporter of Indian Culture.

    I find this as a backward journey. His family was modern, that means someone from his family find Indian culture bad or at-least he find the culture not suitable for him. Today Mr. X find Modern culture not suitable for him so he is going back to Indian Culture.

    Where it will end ? Next generation will again find Indian Culture not suitable .. ... . will there be an end ? Or this family is in a ring and will oscillate between Indian & Modern culture ? Defiantly there was something wrong with Indian Culture which inspired people to walk away, now if there is something wrong in Modern society should be move back or should we establish new norms ?

What I don't Understand is :
  1. If Indian Culture honor men ?
  2. If Indian Culture is root behind breaking relation ?
  3. If Indian culture is something one opt because he find solution for his PERSONAL problems ?
  4. If Indian culture really solve PERSONAL Problems ?
  8. etc

A Lot of question arise, there may be a solution but at-least I didn't find honor for MEN in Indian culture. Then what should be our Target ?

Establishing New Norms where MEN get equal rights and honor should be the Target.

Gursharn Singh